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VELUX Older Generation Frame & Glass Sizes

Nov 14

1 min read




Looking for the glass & frame sizes of your older VELUX? We’ve got you covered.

With older generations of VELUX windows, spare parts have been discontinued in manufacturing due to their age. For example GGL-1, meaning you may need to contact a local glazier to repair the glazing for you.

Below is a chart showing External Frame Sizes, Pane Sizes & Visible Glass Sizes.

VELUX Older Generation Glass & Frame Sizes Chart

What are these codes?

One of these codes should mirror the code on your roof window, to find the code on your roof window, simply open the window and you should find a code on the top size of the sash. An example shows below:

VELUX Roof Window Code Plates Diagram

Some parts can be replaced by VELUX depending on the age of the window, to be sure you can call VELUX customer service on 01592778225 and give them the roof window code and the part that needs replaced.

Nov 14

1 min read





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